Building Control

We are a specialist market leader within the industry applying intelligently the Building Regulations to a wide range of historic, nationally important and complex buildings.  We ensure regulatory performance requirements are satisfied to deliver safe living and working environments.  AIS are licensed and approved to deliver full building regulation approval services throughout England and Wales. 

  • A comprehensive service from design development right through to completion and handover with dedicated team members.
  • Advice to minimise preliminary design risks and to support design innovation. 
  • Statutory consultations with Fire Authority to ensure timely outcomes.
  • Other consultations as required with the Water Authority and English Heritage.
  • Assist project team in the design process toachieve programme and advise on deliverablesrequired to demonstrate compliance with valueengineering.
  • Design development reporting confirming deliverables, identify project risks and mitigations where relevant to Building Regulations compliance.
  • Issuing of Plans Certificate where requested. Attendance at design and site meetings.
  • Production of a risk assessed siteinspection programme with regular siteinspection identifying and resolving any issues arising.
  • Issuing of Final Certificate to the local authority, fire authority and client.

If your development is a railway or airport project you should refer to Compliance Engineering.